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Welcome to The Command Center

Your business deserves more than advice; it deserves hands-on leadership. Our Fractional Executive Service puts a seasoned executive from Sidekyk at the helm of your ship. Imagine having a C-level executive working side by side with your team, strategizing, implementing, and steering your business towards unparalleled success.



Potential Cost Savings of Hiring Fractional Executive over Full-Time Employee

Fractional executives are seasoned professionals who provide guidance and expertise to businesses in a fractional (project-by-project or less than full-time) capacity.

~ 6 Hrs / Day / Employee Employees spend 1.8 hours a day searching and gathering information and 4.1 hrs a day checking there inbox, on average.

Time Wasted

~ 6 Hrs / Day / Employee

Employees spend 1.8 hours a day searching and gathering information and 4.1 hrs a day checking there inbox, on average.
10 Seconds of Distraction = 25 Minutes of Refocus Distractions are everywhere and without set processes, science says it takes humans 25 minutes to refocus on tasks they were distracted from.

Deadlines Missed

10 Seconds of Distraction = 25 Minutes of Refocus

Distractions are everywhere and without set processes, science says it takes humans 25 minutes to refocus on tasks they were distracted from.
67% of Your Customers Want to Leave The % of customers contemplating a switch, feeling underserved and overlooked, often due to unnecessary tasks born from inadequate processes.

Customer Frustration

67% of Your Customers Want to Leave

The % of customers contemplating a switch, feeling underserved and overlooked, often due to unnecessary tasks born from inadequate processes.

WHAT SEPARATES THE Winners from the Losers?

Wrong Focus

Many business owners mistakenly seek success in the wrong areas. They focus on the beginning of their sales process, neglecting to establish a solid foundation for their company. This leads to inconsistent and unstable customer experiences, causing numerous businesses to falter under the pressures of expansion.

Wasted Resources

Massive amounts of time energy and finances are spent trying to fix the wrong problems, targeting the wrong customers, and hire the wrong candidates. All of this waste produces minimum returns (if any at all) and forces people to then shift focus (again) on fund raising, or acquiring clients at razor-thin margins. 

The Command Center


 Being able to offer top-tier experiences for both your employees and customers, propelling your business to new heights, enhancing competitiveness, streamlining operations, and optimizing costs, all while minimizing waste.

Your business being able to give the expected personalized experience, to every customer, creating fans for life. Having the ability to Supercharge the natural abilities of all of your employees and processes without sacrificing creativity or intuition. 

The Solution is Clear

Leveraging artificial intelligence, and partnering with masters in their craft, you are able to harness the power of Fortune 500 processes and automations to create a profitable, appealing, and scalable business. 

It turns out that, when the business processes are poorly structured, the organization’s overall effectiveness and efficiency suffer. To increase customer satisfaction, companies need to focus on delivering what they promise, keep customers engaged, and create a positive experience for them.



300+ Points Of Inspection For Your Company.

Our team of experts, boasting Fortune 500 experience, will harness artificial intelligence to meticulously assess the six key elements of your business. Our combined expertise and technology will guarantee a uniform, top-tier experience, paving the way for long-term growth and continued success.

The Command Center

Marketing  & Branding

From social media to your website, and all the nuances in between, with the aid of advanced technology, our experts will guide you in forging a brand identity that deeply connects with your target audience. Delving into specifics, from HEX colors to voice of customer, functionality, and beyond, we’re committed to ensuring your brand delivers a uniformly exceptional experience from start to finish.


Sales is so much more than “getting 99 no’s to find that 1 yes”. Quality Sales organizations have sales flows that guide a sales process, while speaking to their customers needs, without stifling the individuality of their employees. Our experts, bolstered by cutting-edge technology, will meticulously review each phase of your sales interaction, ensuring that your ideal customers recognize your capability to address their needs efficiently, minimizing friction and conserving your invaluable resources.

The Command Center
The Command Center


Strategy begins with a clear vision, but it extends far beyond that. The quickest route for business owners to become disconnected from their employees, customers, and overall business is by losing sight of their current state. Without a grasp on the present, crafting a thriving “future” becomes elusive. Utilizing a data-driven approach, we delve into key aspects of your business: Is your customer journey well-defined? Do you have a clear vision for both customers and employees? Are workload maps in place? Our expertise, coupled with the data attained, will assist you in addressing these questions and more, ensuring a unified approach towards growth.


Many companies tout a “customer-first” mantra, but beyond a certain growth threshold, this might not be the optimal strategy. As a business owner and leader, your primary customers are your employees. Are you crafting an experience for them that reduces turnover? Research indicates that individuals often forgo or even depart from higher-paying roles to remain loyal to companies that resonate with their values. Our experts, drawing from their executive experience, are poised to guide you in reshaping a company culture. We aim to create an environment where your employees thrive, ensuring they, in turn, deliver an unparalleled experience to your end customers.

The Command Center
The Command Center


In virtually every industry, companies of all sizes have achieved extraordinary improvements in cost, quality, speed, profitability, and and other pivotal metrics by refining both their customer-facing and internal processes. Our experts will delve deep into the tools and systems you employ: What software powers your marketing department? Is it seamlessly integrated with your CRM (assuming it’s in place)? Do your employees fall into the category who spends 40-60% of their day on tasks that could & should be automated? We will document your process and software usage, eliminating redundancies, bridging gaps, and ensuring that every resource at your disposal is optimized to its fullest potential.


Going through the massive amount of data we collect,our team of experts, complemented by advanced software, will pinpoint significant savings for your business. Beyond just streamlining operations and saving time, we’re targeting a direct impact on your Top Line Revenue. Finding Payroll errors is common (25% of employees experience paycheck errors) and costly ($6 Billion in IRS fines in 2020). Our Experts will streamline and audit your financial systems. In one remarkable case, we pinpointed a staggering 10% of a company’s annual revenue that had gone unnoticed!

The Command Center
The Command Center
The Command Center
The Command Center
The Command Center
The Command Center
The Command Center

Worked With

Our journey, marked by collaborations with esteemed entities like Comcast Business, American Express, Regions Bank, and U.S Cellular, and empowered by the same software solutions, has given us a blueprint for success. Join us, and let’s co-create your business’s growth trajectory!

Schedule a Call to Unleash Your Businesses Potential!

Incredible Features

Here is an idea of what you will receive.


Unlike the reports that prove themselves useless, these reports will give you insight into your business and your competition. See how your company measures up against others, and the directions you can take to gain the advantage.

Mind Maps

Have you ever thought about cutting costs, saving money and expanding the ability of your company? The best way of doing this is to apply and understand process mapping in your business. See the exact steps your company should take to unlock growth potential.

Flow Charts

All the procedures, training, and automation in the world will not help your customers if there is not a defined flow to their journey with your company. Understand the pass off of responsibility that your employees and software have when dealing with your precious clients.   


Easy visuals for you and your employees to see exactly what is needed to generate more success than you are currently having. Infographics are a perfect way to spice up training and give quick reminders of necessary items that will aid everyone.


Video interviews, video presentations, and video lessons will be plenty, allowing you to go back and dive into all the information presented (there is a lot!). Use this for future strategy sessions and reminders for actions steps that are further in the future.


Receive side by side examples of how growth can take place and where it is being stifled right now. Our graphs will give you yet another look into your business through the lens of your employees, your customers, and your numbers.

Testimonials What Our Clients Say

We are here to help you grow